Online Stories Discrediting #LeniLeaks Is A ‘Hoax’, Sasot Says

Sasot: Stories Online Discrediting #LeniLeaks Scandal Is A ‘Hoax’ For Giving Fake Information

Sass Rogando Sasot reacts on the circulating fake story online discrediting #LeniLeaks scandal and she called it as “Hoax,” for falsifying information.

A meme citing the statement of Jeff Bonforte, SVP of the Communications Products @ Yahoo! in an interview. Sasot concluded that the mama came from critics of President Duterte who wanted to falsify #LeniLeaks scandal.

The alleged false story says that Yahoo finds no traces of the group conversation in their Chat logs, which plan to oust Philippine President Duterte. It also stated that Yahoo will make an immediate action against the people involved in spreading the #LeniLeaks.


Duterte’s critics also show that Yahoo was declining the Duterte ouster plan, which is spreading online. The counter-propaganda came out after Sasot and her colleagues revealed confidential information on Leni leaks. Here’s the statement on the meme created by critics of the president.

“We found no traces of those words in our Chat Logs regarding that so-called ouster of President Duterte that’s now trending in the cyberspace. Our search engines are even burning with keyword LeniLeaks. Yahoo! will take legal action against those who falsify the facts of YahooGroups.”

The creator of the meme made it appear in CNN International breaking news, but Sasot was able to determine that it is a fake one. Sass explained that the picture used to create the fake story was from Bonforte’s interview in 2011.

This video below was the interview of Jeff Bonforte last September 27, 2011.

Sasot warned the public to be aware and carefully determine the fake news from the real one. She also said that we should not fall for the fake story released by anti-Duterte pages in the social media. Sass proves that Duterte’s critics are now desperate to make any action just to discredit the #LeniLeaks scandal.

What can you say about the fake story discrediting #LeniLeaks? Just feel free to leave your comments and suggestions for this article.

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