Lenileaks is the alleged conversation of the staff of Leni Robredo with some of her supporters, making a plan to oust President Duterte
Philippine Vice President Leonor “Leni” Robredo said on Monday that she would rather put all her attention on her job than dignify the allegations regarding Lenileaks, or her alleged involvement in the plan to oust President Rodrigo Duterte.
Lenileaks, the Philippine version of Wikileaks, or the leak of alleged email conversation of the staff of Vice President Leni to some of her avid supporters regarding a plot to unseat President Duterte, making her succeed the Presidency.
According to the Vice President, the controversy on Lenileaks has not been clear to her since she has been so focused to visiting to areas and aiding the affected residents on places devastated by the typhoon, which struck the country on Christmas day.

But Robredo admitted that she has received “bits and pieces of information” that there is what she called the “Yahoogroups”, supposedly referring to the online conversation of her staff to her supporters, to where she is linked.
According to reports, the emails were seen in a YahooGroups page, the Global Filipino Diaspora Council.
Vice President Robredo claims that she had been on the receiving end of the “fake news”, particularly referring to the Lenileaks.
“For me, as much as possible, I want to concentrate on my job, because I think there is a lot of viciousness now in the internet”, the Philippine Vice President said.
She also claimed wrong the reports that she had recently met or talked to Filipino-American philanthropist Loida Nicolas- Lewis, who was earlier tagged in an alleged plot to remove Duterte from post.

Lewis is a Bicolana like Robredo and is a known supporter of the Vice President and the Liberal Party’s standard bearer in the May 2016 elections, former Senator and Cabinet member Mar Roxas.
But later Robredo said that Lewis has since supported her when she ran for congresswoman in Camarines Sur. But she said that she does not remember meeting Lewis after the elections.
“They said we met in America, that is not true”, Robredo emphasized adding that they do not have any personal meeting or conversations over the telephone.
Department of Justice Vitaliano Aguirre II alleged recently that Vice President Leni stayed overnight at the home of Lewis when she and her family went to the United States to spend the holidays but in response, Robredo admonished him to stop telling lies.
Aside from Lenileaks, Robredo recently claimed that the news that she joined in anti-Duterte protests were also not true. She said that the President was fed with “fake news”.