The Malacañang Palace released the achievements of the Duterte Administration on its first six months.
Malacañang – The Palace revealed the achievements of Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte and his administration on its first six months in service.
Recently, a news report entailed that House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez wants the supposed blueprint to remove Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte from office investigated.
The House Speaker emphasized in a statement that the issue is not good as the Philippine President is enjoying high approval ratings according to the news report.

In a recent news report in Newsgearph, it is stated that the Palace has already released the achievements of Pres. Duterte and his administration on its first six months.
According to the news report, around 900,000 drug users have surrendered themselves to the authorities on the ‘war on drugs’ campaign of the administration. A large part has also been contributed by the administration on the peace and order in the Philippines.
Furthermore, the country only has 5.5% unemployment rate – the lowest unemployment rate in the previous decade based on the report. The Philippines is also among those countries in Asia that have the fastest growing economies.
The less fortunate Filipinos are also entitled to free education, free hospitalization, and free irrigation after the administration has passed the Pro-poor National Budget for 2017. It amounts to up to P3.3 trillion.
Change is also expected further in the country as funds for the infrastructure building were allotted by the administration.
Based on the news report, Presidential Communications Sec. Martin Andanar said that a lot of things have already been done in the first six months and in the next months and years, ‘much more will be done’.
The Communications Secretary also expressed that the interest of the Filipino people and the country is the ‘first and foremost’ in the mind of Pres. Duterte.
The Duterte Administration is headed by Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte who was the former mayor of Davao City. He had served the city for more than two decades and undeniably, he was one of those candidates who really have loud names during the election campaign.
He secured the presidential position through garnering most of the votes of the populace. The 71-year-old tough-talking man led the race with the other prominent presidential candidates.
Pres. Duterte, a vocal critic of illegal drugs and corruption, went out as the victor in a presidential race against former Interior Sec. Mar Roxas, former Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay, Sen. Grace Poe, and the late Sen. Miriam Santiago.