Genesis acted on the complaint of one passenger against one of the firm’s bus drivers.
BUS – Genesis Transport Services Inc. acted on the complaint of Barbie Yves Trinidad against one of the company’s drivers.
The social media has been a venue to a lot of updates regarding the political field and as well as the field of show business. Undeniably, it has become one of the sources of the latest news as reports circulate abruptly over the net.
Aside from the news reports regarding political issues or updates on the happenings in the lives of famous celebrities or some upcoming films to be shown on the television, the social media has also become a home to a lot of personal stories.

Some netizens utilize the platform to warn other people, to raise a concern, or simply to share an experience which could really be helpful to other people. One of these netizens who used the platform to share their personal experience is Barbie Yves Trinidad.
Based on a previous news report, Trinidad’s social media post recently went viral after she entailed her personal experience when she rode a bus. She also posted videos of the incident.
Posted in Trinidad’s Facebook account, the netizen narrated in her post that it was three in the afternoon when she rode a bus bound for Mariveles. According to a recent news report in Inquirer, Trinidad boarded the vehicle somewhere in Paniqui Town in Tarlac.
In her post, Trinidad shared that she was not able to sleep while riding the bus that time which is her usual activity to do as she travels because the driver kept on honking for no justification at all.
Furthermore, according to Trinidad, the bus driver also kept on exerting pressure on the vehicle’s brake which indicated a sign that he was trying to wake himself up. The behavior of the driver has caused worries to the passengers.
Trinidad made it clear that her post was made to call the government agencies’ attention and as well as the attention of Genesis and other bus firms according to the report.
The news report also entailed that the bus company has already acted on the complaint of Trinidad against the bus driver.
According to the news report, the President of Genesis Transport Services Inc., Rizza Moises, did not name the bus driver but affirmed to Inquirer that he has been put on a suspension and will be facing a job termination.