Robles To Robredo: ‘Hindi kailangan sobrang exposed ka sa media’

Read: An open letter of Jojo Robles to Vice Pres. Robredo went viral in social media.

READ – Jojo Robles posted an open letter to Vice Pres. Leni Robredo in social media. The post went viral on Facebook.

Recently, Vice Pres. Robredo’s name has been on news headlines and updates. Two of the issues involving the lady vice president is her recent resignation from her Cabinet post and her reaction to Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s plane crash joke.

The Vice President has recently stepped down from her post in Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) in which the President has previously appointed her as the chairperson.

Vice Pres. Leni Robredo

The decision of Vice Pres. Robredo was announced after she received a text message ordering her to ‘desist from attending all Cabinet meetings’. She took to social media all her accomplishments as the Housing secretary.

Based in a previous news report, Vice Pres. Robredo admitted that she was offended by the remark of the 71-year-old President that she better pray for Pres. Duterte’s plane to crash so she could be able to succeed to him.

Furthermore, the report also entailed that the Vice President expressed her wish that Pres. Duterte will be able to overcome whatever illness he has. She emphasized that he was the one elected to lead the people.

Recently, a post went viral on social media after a netizen expressed his sentiments to the Vice President in an open letter.

The open letter was posted on the Facebook account of Jojo Robles. In the post, Robles pointed out the comment of the Vice President in the affairs of Pres. Duterte.

Robles, a columnist according to other reports, told Robredo in his post that she should only choose her advocacy. He pointed out that the problem with the Vice President and her PR strategists is that they believe that it should be every day that they are in media.

Robles further stated that it is not right and that there is no election campaign. He emphasized that she is not the president and the people might get annoyed with her and her camp.

The netizen also told Vice Pres. Robredo that she has actually no work as the Vice President who has no position in the Cabinet so she does not need to be fully exposed in the media.

Furthermore, the post contained the recommendation of Robles to Robredo that she could investigate on the real situations of the people in the mountainous areas so that she may know the real sentiment and needs of the people living there.

He told the Vice President in the letter that she might improve her political skills in that way and concern might grow in her. Robles ended his open letter by greeting the Vice President a Merry Christmas.

The post went trending in social media and has already reached 216 shares in less than two days since it was posted.

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