Sen. De Lima reacts on the statement of Speaker Alvarez tagging her as ‘serial liar’.
DE LIMA – Sen. Leila De Lima reacted on the statement of House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez tagging her as a ‘serial liar’ for denying the allegations to her.
The issue over the allegation that Sen. Leila De Lima, through her former driver, bodyguard and lover Ronnie Dayan, has received drug money from Kerwin Espinosa, keeps everyone puzzled on the truth behind it.
The allegation has already sparked a lot of headlines, has been the talk in the social media, and has elicited different reactions from the different people.

Based in a previous news report, Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez has expressed his side over the issue and said that he thinks that the Senator is a ‘serial liar’. He even expressed that he is impress by her and that Sen. De Lima is really good in telling lies.