Steps Immigrants In U.S. Can Take To Avoid Displacement By Trump

Immigrants have been one of the most concerned sector since Republican billionaire Donald Trump won the race to the White House but here are tips of what they can do.

SAN FRANCISCO, United States – Immigrants in the United States have been the most worried sector in America since Republican billionaire Donald Trump won in the November 8 race to the While House.

Trump, who earlier expressed his fear and xenophobia (which is the intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries) during the campaign, had shaken the immigrants for fear of being driven away from the U.S.

According to National Immigration Law Center national director of policy and advocacy Kamal Essaheb, it is indeed a challenging period for immigrants and that the past election had been divisive and damaging.

steps immigrants can take
Immigrants had been the most concerned sector when Trump won the presidency.

Essaheb said that despite President-elect Trump’s call for unity in his election victory speech, the night after the vote, his actions are “going to have to speak louder”.

But he suggested that the most important thing to do now is for the non-Americans and their families are prepared of what is going to happen under the Trump administration.

He also said that immigrants must keep in mind that the presidential power has its limitations.

One that puts fears to “no natural born” American residents is Trump’s pronouncements that he plans to repeal the Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the executive order taken by Outgoing President Barack Obama last 2012 that gives certain undocumented immigrants who came here as children access to a work permit.

But Sally Kino(–foul word(s) removed–)a of Immigrant Legal Resource Center said that while Trump is not president until January 20, 2017, the DACA remains in effect and immigrants can take advantage of it.

Kino(–foul word(s) removed–)a warned that DACA applications take several months to be processed, eight weeks to be exact for renewals.

She suggested that anyone planning to renew DACA now should take note that the fee increases to $495 coming December 23 but loans are available through Mission Asset Fund, Self-Help Federal Credit Union, the Mexican Consulate or local service providers.

According to Kino(–foul word(s) removed–)a, the election of Trump must be put in context in order to avoid panic among immigrants.

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