ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda issued a statement regarding the alleged EJK in the Philippines.
ICC PROSECUTOR – International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda expressed the worries of her office on the alleged EJK in the Philippines in a statement, October 14.
The issue of the alleged EJK happening in the Philippines has not only alarmed the citizenry but as well as international community – even reaching the concerns of the International Criminal Court now.
Recently, reports contain a lot of lost of lives which have no clear reason as to who took them. All there was in some of those bodies just found lying breathless were sign boards that contains drug-related statements.

With that, the issue of alleged EJK in the Philippines came. No one has clear knowledge on the person behind the rampant lost of lives.
Leaders of other nations have already expressed their concerns on the alleged EJK in the country. These leaders include United States Pres. Barack Obama who recently gained tirades from Pres. Duterte for trying to get in the matter.
Oh men why not conducting investigation here. if you get information from media ohh so poor almost 80 to 90% of Filipino people are satisfied and looking forward for a good accomplishment of our government, we are buried in our own backyard for so many years for this drug problems, you can take a look for a past decade many young children was killed, raped many innocent people was died why theirs is no investigation or EJK issues.