Justice Carpio: Phl Needs US To Patrol In West Philippine Sea

As the Executive Department drives away the American forces, an Associate Justice of the Judiciary opines that the Philippines need the US in the West Philippine Sea.

Supreme Court (SC) Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio emphasized anew that the Philippines needs the military forces of the United States of America, especially in patrolling the West Philippine Sea.

According to Justice Carpio, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte must acknowledge and understand the importance of conducting a joint patrol of the US and the Philippines inside the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the country.

The SC Senior Associate Justice explained that it is expressly stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution to protect the EEZ and the only way to do it is to send off patrol ships in the seas inside the Philippine territory with the American soldiers.

SC Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio
SC Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio.

Many fishermen coming from other countries who enter the EEZ of the Philippines who bully the Filipino fishermen who come to fish there.

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