Bad cholesterol causes negative health outcomes
Bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein can cause negative health outcomes and furthermore it makes your cognitive performance poor. It does not only weaken your physical body but also it lessen your mental ability to perform well.
Cholesterol is known as a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body. It travels through your bloodstream in small packages called lipoproteins. It can also be found in some foods that you eat.
It is made of fat lipid on the inside and proteins on the outside. There are two kinds of lipoproteins. The low-density (LDL) and high-density (HDL)
HDL is considered good because it helps ferry the bad cholesterol or LDL which can cause high blood pressure, other diseases and also affect our cell membranes in the brain.
LDL contains all kind of fat molecule including cholesterol, phospholipids, and triglycerides dominant each amount varies upon the substance. It can be sampled or evaluated from blood samples.
Bad cholesterol poses a risk for cardiovascular disease when they invade the body. Cholesterol cannot be dissolved by our blood its lipoproteins that carry it to the part of our body that is in need of it.
Aside from our body it also affects our brain when it starts to penetrate within. Our cell membranes are composed of around 30 percent cholesterol. It plays a vital role in building, maintaining, and keeping membranes functional.
According to the research relationship between cholesterol level and thinking skills has been inconclusive for adults. A team of an investigator in the nether lands finds out that bad cholesterol fluctuations had a big impact on the human brain.
Researchers, led by Dr. Roelof Smit (–foul word(s) removed–)sed a cognitive test to individuals. Where they discover that person who had high bad cholesterol levels showed lower brain blood flow.
So they conclude that having bad cholesterol causes no good to our body but also decreases our thinking skills.