Asian Super Power Will follow Arbitral Tribunal

Asian super power will be forced to follow the Arbitral Tribunal Judgement due to International Pressure.

Asian super power will someday be forced to follow the Arbitral Tribunal because of international pressure. The international order will force China to comply for the proceedings for the dispute in the West Philippine Sea.

Judgment-compliance has become a central preoccupation in the international law after China ignored the decision of the United Nation Arbitral Tribunal. China did not recognize and rejected the decision toward the issue of the conflict in the West Philippine Sea.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016, the result declared that the Philippines has exclusive sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea because China failed to explain and has no bases for their “nine-dashed line.” But according to some reports before the result was declared, the China has rejected and not participated in the case.
China rejected the Tribunal as the Ministry of Foreign affair’s of the people, the Peoples Republic of China, solemnly declared that the award was null and void and has no binding result despite that the UN announced that they failed to justify with their non-compliance of documents regarding their nine-dashed line.

Asian Super Power
Asian Super Power

According to an interview with an American Lawyer, the international pressure from other countries will urge and force the Asian super power to abide the international system. The international pressure will force China’s non-compliance to the Arbitral proceedings.

China’s non-compliance to the Arbitral proceedings and not abiding the international order will someday create international dispute settlement to global peace and security.

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