Mayor Admits He Is A Former Illegal Drug User

With contrary to what others expected Mayor Kim Lope Asis of Bayugan City admits that he is a former drug addict of Shabu (methamphetamine hydro-chloride), an unexpected announcement before the crowd with more that 1000 confessed drug pushers and users that surrendered in the Police Authority.

He admitted that during his youthful days he was once a user of the illegal substance in which of today the President Duterte is trying to suppress. In a statement “I did not see any good thing that shabu could bring to our lives,” he said.

As the drug addiction takes its toll upon Asis, he was sent to rehabilitation center many times in order for him to recover from what could be the negative of effect of the illegal drugs. He considers himself a big headache for his parents who were longtime mayors of the said city.

With the statement of President Duterte that he will announce the list of Mayors who are involve in the illegal drug trade and having a connection with drug lords. But with Asis admission of using illegal drugs before he is assured that he have not take part in the selling of drugs, nor protecting drug lords.

“I can assure you, 100 percent, I’m not into it and I’m confident that I would not be part of the 23 mayors whom President Duterte had hinted to be involved in illegal drugs,” he said. The Mayor also offered rehabilation program to those who are in need especially that mass surrenderers of drug dependents in the Agusan del Sur province was the largest.

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The sad part is that among those who surrendered includes a Grade 10 student, a handicap, and two senior citizens aged 67 and 80 respectively. They cited peer influence as the main reason of why they are involved in illegal drugs.

City police director Supt. Reynante Sibayton expect that the number of addicts that will report and surrender to the authority will increase in the upcoming days

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