Baron Geisler’s PR Manager Speaks up on the Viral Video of the Actor

Baron Geisler became the hottest topic on social media because of the controversial video posted by a certain Khalil Verzosa on Facebook but the PR Manager of the actor speaks up regarding the issue. According to Tinnie Esguerra in a text message to Inquirer, the viral video was “taken out of context.”

Khalil Verzosa Baron Geisler

The PR Manager of Baron Geisler also plans to consult his lawyers for an apparent legal action against the person who posted the viral video on Facebook over the weekend. In an official statement released to Inquirer, the PR Manager released the following statement.

“The video was taken out of context, and because of that, I plan to consult my lawyers for the possible liabilities of the person who uploaded the video, whose apparent intention was to exploit my already damaged reputation,” the message quoted Geisler as saying

The controversial viral video of Baron Geisler made headlines earlier garnering more than 2 million views on Facebook alone. The video which was posted by UP-Diliman student Khalil Verzosa showed Baron Geisler cursing and threatening a Viacom-Fine Arts UP Student after the actor allegedly got angry over the late delivery of the script ofr a projct he was supposed to do with the students of UP-Diliman.

According to Verzsa’s statement the delay was due to their tight school work. This apparently did no appease Geisler who was also shown in the video lockng his hand on the neck of the student while cursing him and telling whoever was shooting the video to stop.

1 thought on “Baron Geisler’s PR Manager Speaks up on the Viral Video of the Actor”

  1. Just read-up on the whole Baron Geisler scandal.. Honestly, I feel for the man more than the students! While I don’t condone violence, I’ve worked with both film students and professionals alike. Frankly, the former are often compensating for their lack of professionalism with immense self-entitlement and arrogance (toxic cocktail don’t you think?). You see, everyone expects and prefers to work with professionals. They anticipate problems, offer solutions to problems when they come, and are always prepared therefor making every encounter less cumbersome and productive for everyone who are working towards the same goal. However, professionalism is not something you learn mainly from school. In fact, many schools are so focused on teaching theories that their graduates amount to intelligent failures. Professionalism is something you earn over-time with experience and not diplomas alone (although for most cases you need to have a diploma to be on the platform to be able to build your street credibility and professionalism). The problem arises when these people who have no ounce of street-credibility and lack of experience (yes – your school projects which totalled to 30 is still not enough to establish your credibility) begins to believe in their own smoke – that studying in a good or OK school, makes them better than everyone else whose just because they offer “fresh-eyes” to the table (fresh-eyes which aren’t even that fresh in most cases as they are often rip-offs of another persons work #Hollywood). They capitalise so much on their fresh-eyes but forget that its only a part of the requirement to have a good output. It is the self-entitlement paired with arrogance that often leads to turbulent working relationships which makes all parties regretting their choices to begin with. I just hope that something good comes out of this particularly for students to be more aware that their actions can lead to severe consequences and for schools to establish higher standards for their students.


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