One of the movie announced during the “Thank You For The Love” event is the Kapamilya TV series titled “Tubig at Langis” featuring Cristine Reyes and Zanjoe Marudo. The trailer video of the TV series was also released online.
Watch the Trailer Video of Tubig at Langis:
The TV series Tubig at Langis featured Cristine Reyes portraying the role of a single mother hoping to find her second chance in love. Aside from Cristine Reyes and Zanjoe Marudo, actress Isabelle Daza is also one of the main character.
The announcement and unveiling of future Kapamilya shows was held during a trade event for advertisers in Novotel Hotel in Quezon City during the ABS-CBN Christmas Special “Thank You For The Love” event.
According to ABS-CBN at least six of the biggest Kapamilya projects are set to conquer the afternoon and primetime blocks of the network for the year 2016.
The teasers of the highly anticipated new series from ABS-CBN was already released online and sometime shown on various commercials of the Kapamilya Channel.