Love crossword puzzles? Well forget about it for now because this new quiz is the new viral stumper.
A six-year-old’s quiz concerning the numbered parking spaces has baffled social media users since this week, making it viral.
The test paper puzzle, from an admission test for a primary school in Hong Kong, is anticipated to be cracked by the children in just 20 seconds.
But this seem to give older people a hard time.
The puzzle offers an illustration of six parking spaces to which each is numbered except the fifth one which has a car parked on it.
Asked ‘what is the number of the parking space containing the car?’, people online had a big bubble thought.
Most likely they used logic or algebra to solve the case. This is how grown up minds would react. But who would have thought, that it is a lot easier than that?
For children, the best way to find out the answer it to just flip the page.
87 is the missing number in ascending sequence of 86 to 91.
According to press release, the British puzzle inventor David Bodycombe came up with the idea while in a car park in Portugal.
H/T:; and screen grab.