SWS Survey Results: Sen. Grace Poe Leads Presidential Candidates for 2016 Elections

One of the most popular senator of the country today, Senator Grace Poe has overtaken Vice President Jejomar Binay in the latest results of the Social Weather Stations survey which coincides with the latest report that the Senator outranked VP Binay based on Pulse Asia survey. According to the SWS survey, 42% of Filipino voters picked Sen. Poe as the best leader to succeed President Aquino.

Sen. Grace Poe SWS

The latest SWS Survey was conducted last June 5 to 8, 2015 and was published on BusinessWorld magazines and on their online site. The 42% ratings of Sen. Poe is 11 percentage points higher than the 31% she got in the March 2015 survey, and 21% percentage points higher than her 21% rating in December 2014.

Vice President Jejomar Binay who formerly dominated the presidential survey for the past few months dropped to second place with 34% of respondents choosing as their preferred candidate, two percentage points lower than the 36% he got in March 2015.

The possible Liberal Party bet, Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas was third on the list of possible Presidential candidate with 21%, which is up from the 15% he got in the previous SWS survey.

Undecided candidate and considered as one of the most popular among the possible President of the Republic of the Philippines, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte of Davao City ranked fourth on the list with 20% ratings, higher than the 15% he got in March 2015.

The other candidates who were included in the list by the SWS were Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada who ranked fifth with 7%, down from the 11% he got in March, Panfilo Lacson got 7%, Sen. Escudero & Sen. Santiago both received 4%, Sen. Marcos has 3%, Sen. Cayetano got 2%.


According to the SWS survey, the June survey involved face-to-face interviews with 1,200 adults nationwide.


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