Palau Sets Fire to Four Vietnamese Fishing Boats

Lying in the Pacific, Palau, though a tiny island nation, is firm in its territorial rules.

Recently, 15 Vietnamese fishing boats were captured off Palau’s coast for violating its waters following illegal fishing activities.

© AP Photo/ Jeff Barabe

Palau, as an environmental advocate, set warning to others who violate its waters by burning four of the boats and left them to drift in the ocean.

Firm with its advocacy to protect its diverse marine life, President Tommy Remengesau ordered the burning of the four vessels it had captured.

“We wanted to send a very strong message,” the president told the Associated Press. “We will not tolerate any more [of] these pirates who come and steal our resources.”

Last year, the government has captured at least 11 ships which carried large quantities of shark fins, sea cucumbers, and other reef fish.

President Remengesau felt a stronger message was needed.

“I think it’s necessary to burn the boats,” he said.

According to the leader, the other vessels will transport the 77 seized crew members back to Vietnam.

However, for Vietnam expressed its side after Friday’s incident.

Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh advised other nations to “render humanitarian treatment toward the Vietnamese fishing trawlers and fisherman on the basis of international law as well as humanitarian treatment toward fishermen who were in trouble at sea.”


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