Brutus, a 5.5 meter crocodile swallow a bull shark on Kakadu’s Adelaida River was the reason why he was considered as a reptilian celebrity. An Australian tourist saw it swallowing the said shark and then took a photo of it. These photographs were then attached in international headlines.
Actually, it’s not the first time that Brutus had attracted attention internationally. On 2011, photographs of Brutus jumping out the water had also been viral. He was lifting his two-tonne body at the said river to bite or chew on some Kangaroo meat.
In the meantime, Brutus is an 80-year-old two-tonne crocodile. The said crocodile is known on the river tours for his huge size. He also don’t have a right foreleg. That foreleg is believed to be because of a fight with a shark.
Tourists somewhat admire Brutus. They have not yet seen a huge crocodile like Brutus before. He is really one of a kind. However, Harry Bowman who is the one in charged of the cruise says that they can’t always guarantee that Brutus will come out every time that there is cruise. But then, he makes appearance regularly.
Meanwhile, some of the tourist says that Brutus is like a dinosaur because of his size especially if you got the chance to see him closer.
The said crocodile again catches the attention of international people when he was seen to eat a shark last Tuesday, August 4, 2014.
These are photos of Brutus for you to a take closer look on the known “reptilian celebrity.”