One of the Philippines most brilliant senator, Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago addressed the Senate in a privilege speech on December 4, 2013, answering the allegations thrown at her during Sen. Enrile’s speech last November 27, 2013.
Watch the video of Senator Santiago’s Privilege Speech:
Related Article: Sen. Santiago’s Privilege Speech Transcript
During Senator Enrile’s privilege speech, he called Sen. Santiago as “inane, obsessive hater.” The 89-year-old Senator Enrile blasted Santiago for the litany of charges she made against him, including murder and masterminding the pork barrel scam.
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The Philippines oldest Senator, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile refused to expound on his denial that he is the mastermind of the pork barrel controversy, saying he will address the allegations against him at the proper forum.
The privilege speech of Senator Miriam Santiago on December 4, is a rare appearance for the Senator, who has been on sick leave since July.
For the complete details or transcript of Sen. Santiago’s Privilege Speech Click Here…
Sen. Santiago (Photo: NPPA/NPPA/Yahoo)