Mayweather vs. Guerero Live Score Cards & Results

The highly-anticipated match between the undefeated Floyd “Money” Mayweather going up against one of his toughest challenge Robert “The Ghost” Guerero. Mayweather has a total of 43 wins with a total of 16 KO’s.

Here’s our live scorecards:

Round 1: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 2: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 10

Round 3: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 4: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 5: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 6: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero =9

Round 7: Mayweather = 9 vs. Guerero = 10

Round 8: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 9: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 10: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 11: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Round 12: Mayweather = 10 vs. Guerero = 9

Unofficial Results: Mayweather = 119 vs. Guerero = 110

FINAL & Official Results: Mayweather won via Unanimous Decision:

Score: 117-111 in favor of Mayweather

Mayweather vs. Guerero


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