The Alias agent Jennifer Garner, who’s been married to one of the guy-next-door Ben Affleck talks about bringing up a third child in their family. In an interview with The Tonight Show with the host Jay Leno last Wednesday, the happily-pregnant Jennifer Garner said that their third child may end up with the most unusual name in Hollywood if they leave it up to daughters Violet, 6, and Seraphina, 3.
“Our girls are working on names. At first they were definitely Disney. It was like, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse Affleck,” Garner, 39, said on The Tonight Show Wednesday. “And then they’ve moved on. Then it was Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Smee.”
“They’re coming up with lists and coming in and saying, ‘Let’s have a baby-naming contest! Let’s have a baby-naming poll!'” the Butter star added. “They ask everyone, because they just want to know. But we’re not telling.”
Garner said she knows the sex of her baby, though she chose not to reveal it, yet she’s hoping for a little girl, but she isn’t sure if her husband Affleck, 39, feels the same way.
I would have thought [he wanted a boy]. At first I think I really thought so, and then he kind of said, ‘Well, we have girls. We know how to do girls. My girls love me. I’m the big guy in the house.’ So, now I’m not sure.”
Jennifer Garner in The Tonight Show with Jay Leno