After naming the US mission on Global AIDS awareness, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is expected to visit Philippines this November 15. State Department says that the Secretary will be on Manila to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, and will join the ceremony in launching in Partnership for Growth with the said country.
Moreover, the top diplomat of Obama will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, an Asian summit in Bali and will visit Bangkok the following day.
Thailand’s worst flooding had brought devastating situations, and death toll has already reached 527 people and State Secretary’s presence is quite a big difference.
According to the statement of the State Department Victoria Nuland, Clinton will be the way for US “to underscore their strong alliance with Thailand and US support for Thailand’s efforts following severe flooding.”
Somehow, there are Asian countries who wants US to keep off the way of their plans, yet US has always something to give, and the tandem brought upon by Obama and Clinton brings an impact for the region and hopefully, it can be one of the reasons for global changes desired by all.