Despite of the victorious comeback of the Philippine Dragon Boat Federation team(PDBF), bringing 5 gold medals and 2 silver medals, the team did not received any reward from the government under the ‘Philippine Sports Commission’ (PSC).
This is because that the PDBF is not an official member of the federation that duly recognized by the “Philippine Olympic Committee” (POC).
Ricardo Garcia said that the PDBF is no doubt believable and capable of winning because the team is composed of a potential and very strong men. But except they become a member of “Kayak Federation” (PCKF) and the “Philippine Canoe” they would never received support from the ‘Philippine Sport Commission.’
Garcia also said that the government once have been supported the Dragon Boat Team and spent more than P55-million for the past 8-years. But since the team have decided to become an independent the government also stopped immediately their support .
Garcia also added they cannot support the Philippine Dragon Boat Federation team because if they do they can violate the law under RA 9064 provided that the incentives should be given only to the athletes officially recognized by the PSC and POC. Besides, the Philippine Sport Commission is now supporting PCKF Dragon Boat Team duly recognized by the Philippine government.