Lady Gaga Threatened Baby Gaga Breast Milk Ice Cream Maker

breast milk ice cream
Baby Gaga Breast milk ice cream

The lawyer for United States pop icon ‘Lady Gaga’ have threatened to accuse the maker of “Baby Gaga” the name of the breast milk ice cream, according to the documents seen by AFP on Saturday.

“If you want to avoid the proceedings for breaching the trade mark and p(–foul word(s) removed–)ing off” the lawyers of the New York singers send the letter to advise the manufacturer to change the name until Wednesday 1600 GMT.

The letter was sent to ‘London Restaurant the Icereamists Limitted.

Mishcon de Reya the law firm sent the letter of “cease and desist order” for any (–foul word(s) removed–)ociating party with Baby Gaga ice cream offered in any other way” said the letter from the law firm.

The Icecremists was accused by the lawyers of Lady Gaga in the ground of taking unfair advantage of the trademarks of ‘Lady Gaga’ riding on the coattails therein in a manner that is deliberately provocative people inducing it”

The ice cream is made with milk said by the 15-women who replied to an online advertisement posted in the mothers’ forum. The product has proven for a big hit, with one day sold out for the first batch.

breast milk ice cream
Breast milk ice cream

The cost of every serving is £14 ($22.5, 16 euros). The waitresses serving is wearing costumes something like a look Lady Gaga is well-known for.

The product is now off the menu after the local authority ‘Westminster City Council’ seized the ice cream for safety and health checks.

AFP spokeswoman said “We are taking measure to take away the ice cream for samples” adding that they’re expecting for fast result on Monday.

“It’s not a ban.” It was voluntarily agreed by the owner no to make sell any more until the result will be approved.

Screening procedures like as of blood donation centers or the milk bank in London were used, the manufacturer has said.

Breast milk can be carrying viral infections like hepatitis, explained the expert.

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