8 People Killed during the Taliban Suicide Bomber Attack

jan28 supermarket bombing attack
a woman cries for help after the supermarket suicide bombing attack

Another Taliban Suicide bomber dared to attack an Afghan supermarket that instantly killed eight people in Kabul.

Mostly Westerners often visit the said supermarket believing that the security was made tighter. Yet, even foreigners have been included among the eight lost lives last Friday.

The target, who was known to be a member of the Blackwater before, was known to be an official with the contractor of the US security who entered the store followed by the suicide bomber.

Attacks were known to be usual to the NATO allied forces commonly called as the Afghan government. The only thing is, there was no concrete statement why they have included the company named as Xe Services to be in their target.

It was concluded that in less than two months, this incident was the third horrible attack in the Afghanistan capital. It was just in February 2010 that the worst event happened that killed 20 people caused by suicide bombers.

Despite a higher security level surrounding checkpoints of the capital, suicide bombers still surp(–foul word(s) removed–)ed their own targets.

According to a criminal investigator with the Interior Ministry named Ahmad Zaki, a grenade was thrown into the aisles by the (–foul word(s) removed–)ailant.

Mary Hayden, a western consultant who happened to be inside the store that time, heard a gunshot into her left. The bomb went off and everyone inside the store came running going through the back of the building.

Black smoke filled the main floor as the gl(–foul word(s) removed–) doors of the store was blown out by the blast. Even a small fire sparkled within the frozen food section as sidewalk vendors outside the building came in to help those who were injured.

A 14-year-old Afghan also testified crying in front of the media, that he heard a booming sound and some shooting until the fire eventually surrounded the place while he was on the first floor.

Police authorities and reporters have seen a woman that was killed as her abdomen was finally torn apart.

When cots and towels ran off, the policemen had no choice but to make use of the advertising banners inside the store to wrap and carry the bodies.

Three foreigners including two Afghan women, a male Afghan child and two unidentified individuals were found to be victims of the suicide bombing attack according to the Deputy Kabul Chief, Daud Amin.

A Briton, a Canadian, and three Filipinos were counted to be in the list of the fifteen wounded persons.

This present incident followed the Jan 12 attack in Kabul which killed more than 30 and Dec 19 hit wherein five died and nine were wounded as well.

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