2012 – The End of the World, George Lucas Said

2012 - End of the world
2012 – End of the world

Everybody knows that the world is experiencing a bad condition right now. Flooding in the Philippines, Australia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, bombing and Earthquake in Pakistan, Riots in Tunisia and a lot more.

Everybody thinks that the end of the world is near. Even George Lucas believes that the end of the world in year 2012 is for real.

There are lots of theories about this. Some believes that on December 21, 2012 the end of the world is about to come. There will be shocking changes on our solar system affecting the Milky Way galaxy, the earth, as well as the sun. This happens only every 25,800 years as they believe. And they believe that the exact date is on 2012.

Way back 2000-2001, there are so many people who predicts that the world is gonna end. But 2001 has p(–foul word(s) removed–)ed and we are still here, alive and kicking.

Whether you like it or not, the world is gonna end. It was predicted in the Holy Bible. But the truth is, nobody knows when that’s gonna happen.

George Lucas is very famous. His testimony will really influence the m(–foul word(s) removed–). Just hope that no panic will happen on 2012.

Reference: Yahoo news

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