The US keen and experienced research centers have now said that the smoking damages the body in minutes rather than years. This research was published by U.S Chemical Research in Toxicology has showed in a report that chemicals that cause cancer establish very rapidly in minutes.
Smoking industry is amongst the biggest industries of any country. Though the active societies and NGO’s have played a vital role against the smoking industry and smokers as well but the condition still somehow indicates that the rate of smoking is increasing. This is an alarming condition for the nations and the individuals as well. This situation has lead to rapid research in this field to make smokers realize the damages of the cigarette.
The scientists (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated with this latest research have proven that the cells are rapidly damaged or synonymously it takes minutes rather than years to develop cancer cells. Ash, an anti-smoking charity said that the research was ‘chilling’ and also a wakeup call for all smokers. The research has revealed that the damage (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated with smoking begins soon after an individual smokes the first cigarette.
It is evident that smoking causes heart diseases and a variety of cancers. The current research is an aim to develop awareness by studying the phenomenon in depth. The research focused on the levels of chemicals that are linked with cancer. The research started with a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) added to subject’s cigarette. This PAH was then modified by the body into a very severe chemical that damages DNA. This modified chemical is also a root cause of cancer.
The research showed that this process lasted for about 15 to 30 minutes. This is the reason the researchers believe that it takes minutes rather than years to get damaged as a result of smoking. The professor of University of Minnesota Stephen Hecht said that this research is by far the most unique one. The reason is that this research is the first one to study the human metabolism of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. He further added that the research is also unique because the test did not include external sources of pollution. He also emphasized on the shortcomings of the smoking process.
‘Almost everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer’, said the director of ‘Action on Smoking and Health (Ash)’ Martin Dockrell. He also said that the process seems to start slowly but it is never too late to quit. He also said that the sooner you leave smoking, the sooner you start to decrease the harm.
US National Cancer Institute funded the research so as to enhance the awareness program. This research may serve as a basis for upcoming astonishing discoveries that may in turn facilitate the awareness program.