‘We want our tourism back. We want to celebrate life with our learnings after Yolanda,’ says Councilor Cristina Romualdez.
More than a year after Tacloban City was devastated by the Super Typhoon Yolanda, now it is back celebrating the communities’ resiliency reviving the city’s tourism potential by bringing back the Sangyaw Festival.
The month-long activities will start on May 31 till June 30. Grand Santa Cruzan will be the opening activity.
Activities laid for the month-long celebration include the Search for Miss Tacloban, Parade of Lights, and Sangyaw Awards for outstanding individuals and groups in the city.
Romualdeaz said that Sangyaw Festibal will let the world know how ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Progressive’ Tacloban is despite of what had happened during the Super Typhoon.
Slated also within the month is the ‘Resilience Summit’ that will invite local government officials and academics from around Eastern Visayas.
The celebration was skipped in 2014 and now back reduced to half the P6 million originally proposed budget for the month long activity.
“It will be a low-key celebration – simple but beautiful and with social relevance. We want our tourism back. We want our Sangyaw to be bigger, brighter, and we want to celebrate life with our experiences and learning after Yolanda,” the councilor added.
Expected to grace the event is top personalities and leaders as well as over a million of visitors.
H/T: Rappler.com; Photo lifted from Google