Man Lost His Life During Intense Altercation in QC


Man Dies After Being Stabbed w/ Screw Driver During Altercation in Quezon City A 29-year-old man lost his life after being stabbed with a screwdriver in Barangay Teachers Village West, Quezon City. The incident was caught on CCTV, showing an altercation between two groups of men that escalated until the victim collapsed. Authorities reported that … Read more

Student Bully in Pasig City Faces Complaint

Student Bully

Student Bully in Pasig Faces Complaint After Victim’s Family Report It to Police Authorities A student bully in Pasig City is facing legal consequences after the family of the victim has filed a police complaint. The family of the victim, a Grade 10 student, has filed a police complaint against a 16-year-old classmate, who was … Read more

Savemore Employee Seeks Help After Motorcycle Stolen

Savemore Employee

Savemore Employee Seeks Help From Netizens After Motorcycle Stolen Outside Workplace A Savemore employee in Talisay City is asking for help after his motorcycle was stolen parked outside the establishment. “Motornap” is a Filipino term for the crime of motorcycle theft. It combines “motor” (referring to motorcycles) with “nap” (short for “kidnap”), though in this … Read more

Alleged Snatcher Caught After Grabbing Student’s Wallet in Albay

Alleged Snatcher

Alleged Snatcher Grabs Student’s Wallet in Albay, Cops Arrest Suspect An alleged snatcher who grabbed a student’s wallet was cornered in the middle of the road in Daraga, Albay. A snatcher is a person who steals items, typically by grabbing them quickly from someone, often in public places. Snatchers commonly target items like wallets, purses, … Read more

Man Shot in Cavite Due to Hostile Look


Man Shot in Bacoor, Cavite Due to Hostile Look at Suspect A man was shot in Bacoor, Cavite, due to a misunderstanding; miraculously, the victim survived the incident. Bacoor City Police Station deputy chief Police Major Renalyn Lim reported that the shooting occurred in front of a store, where the victim was standing. The suspect … Read more

Newly-Hired Maid Allegedly Strangled Her Employer in Cavite

Newly-Hired Maid

Newly-Hired Maid Reportedly Strangled Her Employer in Cavite A newly-hired maid who had just started working allegedly strangled her employer inside their home in General Trias, Cavite. According to CCTV footage, the suspect known as alias “Nessa” covered the camera to prevent it from recording. The victim, Ruby Castro, noticed the cover and removed it. … Read more