3 Filipino drug mules are running out of time

3 Filipino drug mules are running out of time

The Government is trying to do all they can to save our fellowmen in China. Would that kind of statement bring hope to the families of the three Filipino mules? Until now, the Philippines are trying to bargain with the Chinese government. Vice President Jejomar Binay went to Beijing last month               to please china for … Read more

China Government Approves Vice President Binay Visit for Pinoys on Death Row

Jejomar Binay

China government approves on Thursday the visit of Vice President Jejomar Binay to the three Filipino drug mules before the death execution on Monday February 21, 2011. Vice President Binay was informed by the Philippine Emb(–foul word(s) removed–)y in Beijing regarding the decision of China government, said his spokesman. The visit of Vice President Binay … Read more