IBM foresees Digital Divide to End in 5 Years

IBM 5 in 5 list

A technology inspired announcement recently surfaced saying that the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) issued their yearly 5 in 5 list. This aims to give detail regarding how IBM foresees the rapid technological development that will change people’s lives in the near future. IBM placed mobile technology in the 4th rank. The existence of mobile … Read more

Smartphones are In


Americans really like smartphones that majority of them are leaving behind traditional computers altogether for their all-around iPhones, Androids and Blackberries which are easy and convenient to carry. One in four smartphone owners ( a total of 22 million people) prefers to connect to the internet from their smartphone rather than using their computer and … Read more

Visa to launch Digital Wallet in the fall of 2011

Mobile Wallet of Visa

Visa Inc., the world’s largest network for debit and credit card processing will launch “Digital Wallet”, and it is expected to roll out in the United States and Canada in the fall of 2011. Digital Wallet is built and designed in order to allow people to pay products online through the use of their phones … Read more

Billion Dollar Worth of Microsoft-Nokia Deal

Windlows Phone latest smartphone

Microsoft will pay $1 Billion worth of deal to phone manufacturer Nokia from Finland. The news was confirmed by people who are closely working with the possible integration of Windows Phone 7 operating system into Nokia phones. Nokia and Windows top executives could not be reach for comment. According to Gartner Inc., the world’s leading … Read more