It’s Christmas time at SM!


Christmas is almost here! Not even the pandemic can take away the beloved tradition of Filipino families to celebrate this joyous season at SM. Let the wonderful, magical and truly merry Christmas at SM drive away the blues! Sama sama tayo sa Pasko sa SM! All throughout November and December, come and be dazzled by these exciting … Read more

Here are 4 ways to make the most of your “me time” at SM!

Me Time SM

A woman of a household is much like a superhero from your favorite Marvel movie – constantly running around the house, prepping the kids for school, doing the laundry, making sure everyone eats on time (including the dogs) – all while working a nine-to-five job on the side. It’s about time we let them enjoy … Read more

Check This Out: Awesome Promos and Everything You Need at SM!

SM Promos

Watch SM Supermalls’ feel-good “Bilin” video for some self-love and shopping inspiration! It’s time to leave the quarantine blues behind and treat yourself and your family to a fun and safe shopping experience at your favorite SM mall! Enjoy some “me” time or family bonding moments while availing of great deals and promos at SM! … Read more