SM Turns to Rain Water Harvesting a key to Living Flood Free

SM Sustainability 2

Rainfall is often seen as a foe by Filipinos who face about 20 typhoons a year causing disruption and mass evacuations, but it can also be a friend as rainwater can be a solution to help address water scarcity. SM turns rainwater from a foe to a friend by building rainwater catchments in its malls … Read more

SM Prime: Building strong foundations of responsible development

SM Prime

The topic of sustainability in property development has surged since the world experienced Covid-19. Having to redefine the use of spaces, people soon realized how instrumental real estate is in the journey towards a more sustainable way of life. With the threat of climate change looming on the horizon and a growing population to sustain, … Read more

SM Plans To Open 4 New Malls in Provinces This Year

New Malls

4 New Malls To Be Opened by SM in Provinces SM Prime Holdings, Inc. is now planning to open new malls in four different provinces in the country this year 2019 bringing more development in the future. SM malls are the biggest and most successful malls in the Philippines and even expanding territories abroad. The … Read more