SKIMMING AND SCANNING – Two Speed Reading Techniques

SKIMMING AND SCANNING – Two Speed Reading Techniques SKIMMING AND SCANNING – In this topic, we will now discuss the following two techniques which uses rapid eye movement: skimming and scanning. These two speed reading techniques involves rapid eye movement and reading quickly from one text to the other. While they are similar in terms … Read more

NBI Nabbed Romanian Nationals Over Alleged LandBank ATM Skimming


Romanian Nationals Nabbed By NBI Agents For Alleged LandBank ATM Skimming The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI-7) agents nabbed 3 Romanian nationals for alleged skimming the ATM of LandBank of the Philippines. Most of us entrust our hard-earned cash in the bank account of our own choice. ‘Money’ is one of the most valuable things … Read more