Iloilo Baby Captures Attention for Being Born with White Hair

Iloilo Baby

WHITE-HAIRED BABY – An Iloilo baby has gone viral and captured the interest of the general public for being born with white hair. The family is puzzled by the unexpected appearance of white hair on the newborn. However, there were no complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Medical experts assume that the condition could be attributed … Read more

Newborn Baby in Oton, Iloilo Born w/ White Hair

Newborn Baby

Newborn Baby in Oton, Iloilo Captures Attention Online for Being Born w/ White Hair A newborn baby in Oton, Iloilo goes viral and earned various reactions online for being born with white hair. Poliosis is a rare condition characterized by the absence of melanin in the hair follicles, resulting in patches or strands of white … Read more