Maricel Soriano and Kiray Celis Closeness Admired By Many

Maricel Soriano

Netizens have these reactions to the relationship between Maricel Soriano and Kiray Celis. MARICEL SORIANO – In a new vlog, Kiray Celis and Maricel Soriano shared how their close relationship started and netizens have these reactions. Last April, based on a previous article, Kiray Celis surprised her mom with Php 1 million cash for her … Read more

Maricel Soriano Reveals What Pushed Her To Do Vlogging

Maricel Soriano

This is why Maricel Soriano, the Diamond Star, did vlogging like the others. MARICEL SORIANO – Diamond Star Maricel Soriano shares the reason why she turned to vlogging and her experience. Recently joining the pool of celebrities becoming content creators on YouTube is Maricel Soriano. Her channel now has more than 200k subscribers and the … Read more