Kris Aquino Bares She’s On Initial Stage Of Lupus, Vows To Keep Fighting

Kris Aquino

In a series of Instagram posts, Kris Aquino honesty shares details of her health condition. Actress-host Kris Aquino turned to social media to update her supporters and followers regarding her current health condition. Despite the new health issues that have been arising amid the treatments of other autoimmune diseases, Kris Aquino remains strong and steadfast for … Read more

Vitamin B12: Here’s Reason Why We Need It

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What You Need To Know About Vitamin B12 VITAMIN B12 – Your body benefits from vitamin B12 in numerous ways. For example, it contributes to the formation of your DNA and red blood cells. Do you receive an adequate amount of vitamin B12? Ensuring sufficient intake is crucial for maintaining good health. Vitamin B12 serves … Read more

Lupus – What Exactly Is The Condition Lupus? (Answers)

Answers To The Question: What Exactly Is Lupus? LUPUS – In this article, we will learn more about the long-term autoimmune disease that affects millions worldwide. This disease makes the immune system become hyperactive. Because of that, our defences start attacking normal, healthy tissues. Symptoms for this disease include inflammation, swelling, and damage to the … Read more

Kris Aquino Chronic Disease Finally Revealed

Kris Aquino Chronic Disease

Actress Kris Aquino chronic disease finally revealed. KRIS AQUINO – The famous actress Kris Aquino chronic disease finally revealed as she opened up to people about her sickness through an Instagram post. In a previous article, the netizens were clueless about the health status of Kris Aquino where it reached the point that she has … Read more