Lolit Solis On Alice Guo: “Very charming”

lolti solis alice guo

Lolit Solis shared her thoughts on the issue involving Alice Guo Veteran showbiz writer Lolit Solis said that dismissed Bamban Mayor Alice Guo is “very charming” after she watched the Senate hearing. Following the arrest of the female politician due to her alleged involvement in POGO-related issues, Senators started questioning Guo on Monday, September 9. … Read more

John Estrada – Lolit Solis Defends Him Amid Cheating Rumors

John Estrada

Lolit Solis has this opinion on the issue of John Estrada and his wife Priscilla Meirelles. Amid the cheating rumors, Lolit Solis defended John Estrada following his highly publicized issue with his wife. How long should you endure to say something’s enough? How many chances should you give before you get exhausted and give up? … Read more

Lolit Solis Says Paolo Contis Is Still Protecting Yen Santos

lolit solis paolo contis yen santos

Lolit Solis was asked about Paolo Contis and Yen Santos Veteran showbiz writer Lolit Solis said that her “alaga” actor Paolo Contis is still protecting acress Yen Santos. In recent months, rumors surfaced that Paolo and Yen broke up. However, when the actor was asked about this, he simply said, “No comment.” A write-up surfaced … Read more

Paolo Contis Has This Revelation About Lolit Solis

Paolo Contis

During the birthday party of Lolit Solis, Paolo Contis made this revelation. Kapuso actor Paolo Contis has this to reveal about his handler Lolit Solis who recently celebrated her 77th birthday. The birthday celebration of Lolit Solis was held at the Oriental Palace Chinese Restaurant in Quezon City. This event also served as a reunion … Read more