Isko Moreno Rejects Panday Sining’s Apology Over Underpass Anti-Gov’t Graffiti

Isko Moreno anti-gov't graffiti

Isko Moreno Rejects Activists’ Apology Over Underpass Vandalism ISKO MORENO – Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Moreno rejected the apology of Panday Sining which defaced the Lagusnilad underpass. A week ago, the Lagusnilad underpass near the Manila city hall was vandalized by the group Panday Sining. They said it was freedom of expression and let … Read more

VIDEO: Isko Moreno Reaction To Activist Who Vandalize Manila Underpass

Isko Moreno Panday Sining

Here’s Reaction of Isko Moreno To Activist Who Vandalize Newly-Painted Manila Underpass ISKO MORENO – Here is the reaction of Mayor Isko Moreno to the activist who vandalized Lagusnilad underpass. Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso” is more than just a crowd favorite. He is also a dedicated leader who aims to bring back the … Read more

Panday Sining Sorry, But Justifies Street Graffiti At Lagusnilad Underpass

Panday Sining graffiti

Panday Sining Apologizes But Justifies Vandalism At Lagusnilad Underpass PANDAY SINING – Activist group Panday Sining apologizes but at the same time justifies the vandalism at Lagunislad underpass. The mayor of the city of Manila, Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso, conducted a clearing operation at Lagusnilad underpass in July. It’s among his mission to bring back the beauty … Read more