Arnie Teves Release Is A ‘Media Stunt’ Says Degamo Widow

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Mayor Janice Degamo Says Arnie Teves Release Is A ‘Media Stunt’ ARNIE TEVES – Mayor Janice Degamo of Pamplona town, Negros Oriental, said the release of expelled Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. was a ‘media stunt.’ Mayor Janice Degamo of Pamplona, Negros Oriental, described the recent actions by the camp of expelled Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. … Read more

Teves Denies P8M Offer to Degamo Suspects to Recant Testimony

Teves Debunks Claims His P8M Offer to Degamo Suspects to Recant Testimony Negros Oriental rep Arolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr denied the P8M offer to Degamo slay suspects to allegedly recant their testimony. Teves Jr said in a Facebook video that the reported P8 million bribe to each suspect in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor … Read more

DOJ Doubts Claims of Alleged Torture on Degamo Slay Suspects

DOJ to Probe Alleged Torture on Degamo Slay Suspects The Department of Justice (DOJ) expresses doubts on claims that the Degamo slay suspects allegedly experienced torture. The DOJ will investigate the defendants’ claims that law enforcement tortured them into confessing their role in the killing of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo. Despite his doubts about … Read more