IPad As Great Wall Against Holistic Growth


IPad is recently proven unhealthy for children as a recent study conducted suggests. IPad is one of the most recent gadgets brought to us by the rapid advancement in Science and Technology. This gadget is a tablet computer marketed by Apple Incorporation. More common than not, the generation of the 80’s and 90’s would often … Read more

Apple’s iPhone 4S unveiled, Not the Expected iPhone 5

iPhone 4S

Unveiling iPhone 4S gladly presents that it was not actually the iPhone5 as what many have expected earlier. Apple introduces its own iPhone 4S on Tuesday as their newest product with very amazing features to satisfy iPhone lovers even more. Apple’s new iPhone 4S is innovated as a very powerful device. It’s the same way … Read more

Hidden Encrypted File in iPhone’s Track Users Movements

iPhone and iPad

Researcher claims that Apple iPhone and 3G iPads is secretly recording and storing information’s and details from all their owners movements. Security experts Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden said such devices iPhone and 3G iPads has an encrypted file where in location data of its owner is kept hidden. They also added that by using … Read more