FBI Raids Pastor Quiboloy’s Church in LA Due To Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Pastor Quiboloy’s Church in Los Angeles Raided by FBI Due To Human Trafficking Investigation The Federal Bureau of Investigation has raided the Kingdom of Jesus Christ church in Los Angeles led by Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. On Wednesday (January 30, 2020), FBI agents raided the Philippines-based church in Los Angeles in a human trafficking investigation. The … Read more

Demi Moore Divorced Ashton Kutcher, Ends Six Years Marriage

Demi Moore Ends Marriage with Ashton Kutcher

Former Charlie’s Angels star Demi Moore confirmed on Thursday through the (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated Press that she is ending her six years marriage with Two and a Half Man actor Ashton Kutcher after months of speculations that the couples were in a verge of divorce. The 43-years-old Demi Moore is older than his husband Ashton Kutcher … Read more

Tawi-Tawi revives Human-Trafficking Council

Tawi-Tawi seal

Tawi-Tawi officials revived its Provincial Council against Trafficking of Persons (PCAT) last week, according to a report. The reactivation of PCAT is meant to address the growing concerns on the increasing amount of human trafficking from Philippines to Malaysia, Mindanao Cross Global reported. Tawi-Tawi governor Sadikul Sahali headed the PCAT reactivation meeting last week at … Read more