VP Leni Robredo Clarifies: I Don’t Want To Be President

Vice President Robredo answered Senator Alan Peter Cayetano: ‘voicing opposition does not mean I want to be president.’ Vice President Leni Robredo answered Senator Alan Peter Cayetano clarifying that voicing out her opposition does not mean she wants to be president of the Philippines. This statement was made by Robredo on Friday in response to … Read more

Former VP Binay’s Camp Slams Robredo’s Most Hardworking Claim


VP Leni Robredo’s Most Hardworking Claim Slammed By Binay’s Camp Former Vice President Jejomar Binay’s camp slams Vice President Leni Robredo for claiming that she’s the most hardworking HUDCC chairman. Recently, Leni Robredo showed her accomplishments and claimed that she’s the most hardworking chairman of Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC). On Monday (December … Read more

Be Aware of Fake Libreng Pabahay Program a Warning From HUDCC


Be Aware of Fake Libreng Pabahay Program a Warning From HUDCC Be aware of fake libreng pabahay program, a warning from the House and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC). On Tuesday the public were warned by HUDCC about the wrong information about the fake program. A false rumor heard by the people about libreng pabahay … Read more