20k Bibles Given to Central Luzon Police as Protections Vs Criminals

Central Luzon Police Received 20k Bibles as Protections Against Criminals The Central Luzon Police force has received 20,000 bibles served as their special weapons and protections against criminals. In a report of Remate, more than 20,000 Bibles as special weapons were donated to the Central Luzon police force. Led by Brig. Gen. Valeriano T. De … Read more

Debra Court Found a 340 Year Old Bible

340 Year Old Bible

An old German translation bible was found at the St. Paul Lutheran School by a Six Grade Teacher Debra Court . The bible is said to be 340 year old or a 17th century bible. It has 1,500 pages translated by Martin Luther and was printed on 1670 in Germany. The teacher thought that it is … Read more