Alice Guo Captured in Photo Prior to Boarding Jet Star Asia Plane

Alice Guo Airport

Dismissed Mayor Alice Guo Evades Arrest in PH ALICE GUO – The dismissed Mayor of Bamban, Tarlac was captured in a photo prior to boarding Jet Star Asia plane to Singapore. Several complaints were filed against dismissed Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Guo in the Philippines. However, even after a month since an arrest order was issued … Read more

Alice Guo Now in Indonesia, PH Immigration Bureau Confirms

Alice Guo

BI Speaks on Dismissed Mayor Alice Guo amid Reported Departure from PH ALICE GUO – The Bureau of Immigration confirmed that the dismissed Mayor of Bamban, Tarlac is now in Indonesia. A lot of Filipinos were once again left frustrated after reports that dismissed Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Guo has departed the Philippines surfaced. It has … Read more

Immigration Bureau Reveals Intel Info Saying Alice Guo Left PH w/out Passing BI

Immigration Bureau, Alice Guo

Immigration Bureau Speaks on Alice Guo’s Reported Departure from PH IMMIGRATION BUREAU – The government entity revealed that the intelligence information said that Alice Guo left the Philippines without passing the immigration. The issues surrounding dismissed Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Alice Guo has piled up but the authorities were not able to locate the dismissed Mayor. … Read more

BREAKING NEWS: Alice Guo has left the Philippines, Hontiveros Says

Alice Guo

Sen. Hontiveros Speaks on Departure of Alice Guo amid Hold Departure Order ALICE GUO – The dismissed Mayor of Bamban, Tarlac has left the Philippines according to Senator Risa Hontiveros. The Senate issued an arrest order against Mayor Guo more than a month ago but the authorities failed to locate her. They visited all the … Read more