GREEK MYTHOLOGY- Well-known Gods And Heroes In Ancient Greece


GREEK MYTHOLOGY: Famous Mythological Gods And Heroes In Ancient Greece GREEK MYTHOLOGY – In this topic, we will discuss the Greek mythology and its well-known gods and heroes of ancient Greece. Ancient Greece is well known for its art, architecture, culture, music, sculpture, etc. The civilization is also well-known for its vast number of stories … Read more

6.1 Magnitude Quake Jolts Greek Island Of Crete

ATHENS, Greece–No injuries were reported after a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck under the Mediterranean seabed east of the Greek island of Crete, Thursday. (Greece is an earthquake-prone country which last year also experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake cited in Ionian Islands leading to the evacuation of several thousand people.) The US Geological Survey (USGS) said … Read more