Hontiveros Wants Life Sentence vs Gov’t Staff Linked in Smuggling

Risa Hontiveros Pushes Life Sentence vs Gov’t Staff Involved in Smuggling Senator Risa Hontiveros pushes a life sentence against government staff involved in smuggling and conspiring with smugglers. Hontiveros recently stated that she intends to pursue government employees and officials who cooperate with agricultural smugglers. Hontiveros revised Republic Act No. 10845, or the Anti-Agricultural Smuggling … Read more

Senator Robin Padilla Opposes Mandatory Drug Test for Artists

Padilla is Against the Mandatory Drug Test for Artists Before Taking Projects Senator Robinhood Padilla opposes to the mandatory drug test for artists before taking any future projects. In a statement, Padilla expressed his opposition to the idea of requiring performers to submit to drug testing before participating in acting projects. The senator, who is … Read more

14 Davao City Hall Employee Arrested for Drinking While in Duty

14 Employee from Davao City Hall Arrested After Caught Drinking While in Duty DAVAO CITY- fourteen (14) employee working from the City Hall of Davao were arrested after caught having drinking session while in duty. Davao City Hall’s fourteen staff members were caught in the act of drinking alcoholic beverages even during work hours, and … Read more

Cops, Government Staf Apprehended by HPG After Taking the Bus Lane

HPG Apprehended Cops and Government Officials Who Take the Bus Lane The Highway Patrol Group (HPG) apprehended and scolded the cops and allegedly government officials after passing at the bus lane in EDSA. In an operation conducted by the HPG, police and other motorists pass through the freeway “bus lane” in EDSA, has no exemption … Read more