Facebook shares greater traffic for Top News Sites


Top news sites gets more traffic through Facebook compared to Twitter, based on the recent study conducted by Pew Research Center who released the result on Monday. Its no surprise that Google still take the lead in referral traffic for news sites. Approximately, almost 30% of clicks for news and product searches came from this … Read more

Microsoft, $7 to $ 8 Billion for Skype


Skype and Microsoft may end up the deal with the price, as WSJ first reported the rumor, Microsoft is getting in financial negotiations in buying Skype for $ 7 Billion and it is speculated that the final price will up to $ 8 Billion. Microsoft is another Tech giants who is also sniffing to buy … Read more

Apple and Google to face lawmakers on privacy issue

apple and google

Tracking of millions of mobile device users will lead to billions of dollars in revenue, those is being hoped by Apple and Google and the rest of Tech companies, however, by the time they see dollars for it, lawmakers raised warning. The issue about privacy is currently hunting tech companies and lawmakers are looking after … Read more

Apple surpasses Google being the Most Valuable Brand in the World

Apple product

Google internationally dominates throughout the internet search environment. Yet according to the latest research conducted by the Millward Brown, a global brands agency, Apple had now surpassed Google with regards to identifying the most valuable brand in the world. Google’s reign being the world’s leading valuable brand for about four years was disrupted because of … Read more

Facebook and Google to Buy Skype

Skype between Google and Facebook

Facebook and Google as  reported is currently having preliminary and separate talks to Skype – a popular web video telephony service that is widely used in the world. Despite the silence of the concerned parties about the said talk, Technology observers stated their (–foul word(s) removed–)umptions to which they think Skype will most likely to … Read more

Google features its +1 Button


Google introduces its  “+1” button as a counterpart for Facebook’s “Like” button. Google +1 is a new tool which enables people to share their useful insights to their online friends. The “+1” button had been revealed Wednesday making it easier to recommend search links to those who are under someone’s Gmail “My Contacts” group list. … Read more

Google helps the victims in Japan


Victims of earthquake in Japan are being helped by Google through launching a version of Person finder service. This service of Google has been proven to be useful for so many times in locating and gathering information about the victims of different disaster. Google aids earthquake victims in Japan through its Person Finder website that … Read more

Google: Speak-to-Tweet Service for Egypt


Rebellions happening in Egypt is not yet controlled by authorities, and even communication across the country is blacked-out. Internet was disclosed, and services for people to stay connected online disappeared. What about now? People cries for help, and many wanted to reach out help, but Egypt can no longer have an access. Just this day, … Read more

Larry Page Will Replace Eric Schmidt as Google CEO

Larry Page one of the co-founders of Google, the world’s largest search engine company will have a change in leadership. Eric Schmidt will (–foul word(s) removed–)ume the role as Executive Chairman of the company. Meanwhile the other co-founder of Google Sergey Brin will focus mainly on strategic projects particularly on new products development. The change of leadership … Read more

World’s Most Expensive Apple is Worth $300 Billion

Apple Inc., the maker of hit products such as Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iMac, and the latest addition iPad is now worth more than $300 billion in market capitalization second only to the most expensive oil company, ExxonMobil $376 billion worth. Apple’s Milestones included the $20 billion dollar revenue for the fourth quarter of 2010. The company boasts sales of 3.89 … Read more