Android Marketplace Google Play Reached 25 Billion Times Download

Google Play Hits 25 Billion Downloads

The Android Marketplace Google Play have achieved an achievement of a total  of more than 25 billion times apps download according to an announcement made by Google. The achievement is now comparable to what the Apple’s App Store have accomplished last March 2012, where they also reached the 25 billion marked. Google have further announced … Read more

Google Announced Programs for Entrepreneurs Worldwide (Video)

Google for Entrepreneurs Site

Google have already announced through an official blog post that the “Google for Entrepreneurs,” a microsite that brings together information about Google’s programs and partnerships for startups and entrepreneurs is now live. Mary Grove, head of global entrepreneurship outreach, said Google’s entrepreneurship activities are focused on three areas: Partnerships with strong organizations that serve entrepreneurs … Read more

Google+ users now 40 million

Google+ logo

Launched September 20 and after few weeks, Google+ had already earned 40 million members. This was the news broke by Larry Page, Google’s Chief Executive and Co-Founder. Google+ was the newest installment of Google, the world’s leading search giant as it dares to set a challenge for Facebook. Facebook, currently had been the leading social … Read more

Google+ continues Attracting Social Network Users

Google+ logo

As expected, Google+ attracted millions of people within the web several weeks after it was officially released worldwide. In fact, last September, Google+ was reported to gather an estimated number of 14.98 million visits within United States alone. Google+, being the new social networking site was considered by many to be Facebook’s greatest rival. Despite … Read more

Facebook Rival “Google+” Opens Worldwide


Social network is one of the most influential tools to connect people nowadays. While Facebook and Twitter users continue to grow, Google being a technology giant also keeps on finding ways to match this kind of trend among internet users. Google+ is now open for users worldwide. On Tuesday, Google formally announces that its own … Read more

Google to pay $500-million fine for online drug advertising


Google the number 1 website in the internet has paid $500-million (£306-million) fine for allowing online adverts of illegal drugs from Canadian pharmacies intending to sell to the US customers. In order to avoid court tribunal against the United States law from gaining the adverts of illegal drugs, the Goggle firm has decided to pay … Read more

Google+ members flying to 18 million


Are you an active user of Facebook? Have you signed up and add invites to friends to join Google+? Then if you had answered a big yes for the two questions, then no doubt that you are one of the millions residing in the cyber world who is the major reason why Facebook is very … Read more

Google Doodle pays tribute to Mendel

Google Doodle of peas

Visited Google this Wednesday and found doodles of peas? Search engine giant Google paid tribute to Gregor Johann Mendel, an Augustinian friar and scientist who celebrated his 189th birth anniversary Wednesday. People who visited Google were greeted with doodles of peas referring to Mendel’s experiment on plant hybridization. Mendel is known as the “father of … Read more

Youtube suspends Lady Gaga’s account

Lady Gaga

Fresh from the success of her shows in Singapore,Lady Gaga’s name is hitting the headline again after her Youtube account was suspended on Thursday. As internet and technology continually grow, more and more provisions are being implemented to secure the users. With the implementation of various policies, the internet had excuses no one from punishments … Read more