NBI Tracking Suspects Behind Audio Clip Warning of Total Lockdown

Suspects Behind Total Lockdown Audio Clip Circulating Online is Being Hunt by NBI The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is now tracking the suspects behind the audio clip circulating online warning of a total lockdown. The NBI has begun tracking down these distributors of fake information, according to Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra. If they are … Read more

How To: Spot Manipulated/Faked Videos (Deepfakes)

Here Are Some Ways To Spot A Fake Video HOW TO – With the tech advancements and upgrades in editing softwares, it is now easier to fake videos and here are the ways to spot them. In this day and age when information is readily available, the spread of fake information also became rampant in … Read more

Trillanes Files Resolution To Investigate Fake News From Gov’t Officials

Fake News

Resolution For Probe On Fake News From Government Officials Filed By Senator Trillanes Senator Antonio Trillanes IV files a resolution to investigate the fake news and information allegedly came from some government officials. The senator files a Resolution 315, which requesting Senate committee on public information and mass media to lead the investigation regarding the … Read more

Facebook, Twitter, And 30 Companies Joined To Address Fake Info

Facebook, Twitter

Facebook, Twitter, And 30 Companies Joined To Address Fake Info Facebook, Twitter and 30 companies related to news and technology have joined together to address the false information going out to social media and give a relevant information. On Tuesday (September 13, 2016) the group consisting different social media network including Facebook and Twitter announced … Read more